I just finished refactoring the config support in Sinan using the new Ktuo package. It works well and makes the config much more readable.

Original config with Erlang terms

[{repositories, ["http://repo.metadrift.net/repo"]},
  {build_dir, "_build"},
  {ignore_dirs, ["_", "."]},
  {ignore_apps, []},
  {default_task, build},
  {tasks, [{discover,
  [{handler, sin_discover}]},
   {verify, [{depends, [discover]},
   {handler, sin_verify}]},
   {build, [{depends, [verify]},
   {handler, sin_erl_builder}]},
   {doc, [{depends, [build]},
   {handler, sin_edoc}]},
   {tar, [{depends, [build]},
   {handler, sin_tar}]}]}].

new, more readable, config

repositories : ["http://repo.metadrift.net/repo"],
build_dir : _build,
ignore_dirs : ["_", "."],
ignore_apps : [],
default_task : build,
tasks : {
   discover : {
       handler : sin_discover
   verify : {
     depends : [discover],
     handler : sin_verify
  build : {
     depends : [verify],
     handler : sin_erl_builder
  doc : {
      depends : [build],
      handler : sin_edoc
  tar : {
      depends : [build],
      handler : sin_tar

Well, I think it is more readable and more maintainable with the nested namespaces. ⤧  Next post Per App Build Config ⤧  Previous post Ktuo Error Reporting